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adminMute - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Mute local audio on owner connection. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
AES_GCM_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 218
AES_GCM_ERR_KEY_LEN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 217
apply(pcm, frames, opaque) - Method in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecAudioCallback
apply(frame, image, opaque) - Method in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecFrameCallback
apply(level, msg, opaque) - Method in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogCallback
apply(opaque) - Method in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPreRenderCallback
AUDIO_ERR_CAPTURE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 157
AUDIO_ERR_CAPTURE_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 156
AUDIO_ERR_FREE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 159
AUDIO_ERR_NETWORK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 158
AUDIO_OPUS_ERR_DECODE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 162
AUDIO_OPUS_ERR_ENCODE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 163
AUDIO_OPUS_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 161
AUDIO_WRN_NO_DATA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 108
axis - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage


build(guest, msg) - Static method in class
build(guest, msg) - Method in class
button - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
button - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
buttons - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
Bitwise OR of ::ParsecGamepadState values representing buttons pressed.
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions.ByReference
ByReference() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent.ByReference
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.field1_union.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions.ByValue
ByValue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent.ByValue


CAPTURE_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 180
CAPTURE_ERR_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 181
cfg - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
The currently active host configuration.
C type : ParsecHostConfig
CLIENT_EVENT_BLOCKED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
The client has been temporarily blocked from sending input and receiving host output.
native declaration : line 567
CLIENT_EVENT_CURSOR - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
A cursor mode change or image update is available, `cursor` is valid in ::ParsecClientEvent. Call ::ParsecGetBuffer in the case of an image update.
native declaration : line 564
CLIENT_EVENT_RUMBLE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
Gamepad rumble event, `rumble` is valid in ::ParsecClientEvent.
native declaration : line 565
CLIENT_EVENT_UNBLOCKED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
The client has returned to normal operation after receiving a ::CLIENT_EVENT_BLOCKED.
native declaration : line 568
CLIENT_EVENT_USER_DATA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
User-defined message from the host, `userData` is valid in ::ParsecClientEvent.
native declaration : line 566
clientPort - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
First port tried for client connections. A value of `0` uses a pseudo random default.
close() - Method in class
code - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime - package com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime
com.parsecgaming.examples - package com.parsecgaming.examples
com.parsecgaming.parsec - package com.parsecgaming.parsec
Companion - Static variable in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component1() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component2() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component3() - Method in class
component4() - Method in class
component4() - Method in class
component4() - Method in class
component4() - Method in class
CONNECT_WRN_APPROVAL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 92
CONNECT_WRN_CANCELED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 94
CONNECT_WRN_DECLINED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 93
CONNECT_WRN_NO_ROOM - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 95
CONNECT_WRN_PEER_GONE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 96
CONNECT_WRN_UNCONFIRMED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 97
CONTAINER_MP4 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecContainer
MP4 box container compatible with web browser Media Source Extensions.
native declaration : line 521
CONTAINER_PARSEC - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecContainer
Parsec's custom container compatible with native decoding.
native declaration : line 520
copy(guestId, id, axis, value) - Method in class
copy(guestId, id, button, pressed) - Method in class
copy(guestId, id) - Method in class
copy(guestId, pressed, code, mod) - Method in class
copy(guestId, pressed, button) - Method in class
copy(guestId, relative, x, y) - Method in class
copy(guestId, x, y) - Method in class
cursor - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
Cursor properties.
C type : ParsecCursor
cursor - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
Cursor mode/image update event.
C type : ParsecClientCursorEvent


D3D_ERR_ADAPTER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 206
D3D_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 202
D3D_ERR_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 209
D3D_ERR_DEVICE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 204
D3D_ERR_DRAW - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 212
D3D_ERR_FACTORY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 207
D3D_ERR_LAYOUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 203
D3D_ERR_MT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 205
D3D_ERR_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 208
D3D_ERR_OUTPUT1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 210
D3D_ERR_OUTPUT5 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 213
D3D_ERR_SHADER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 201
D3D_ERR_SWAP_CHAIN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 211
D3D_ERR_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 200
DECODE_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 125
DECODE_ERR_CLEANUP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 121
DECODE_ERR_DECODE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 120
DECODE_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 117
DECODE_ERR_LOAD - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 118
DECODE_ERR_MAP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 119
DECODE_ERR_NO_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 123
DECODE_ERR_PARSE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 122
DECODE_ERR_PIXEL_FORMAT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 124
DECODE_ERR_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 126
DECODE_WRN_ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 103
DECODE_WRN_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 102
DECODE_WRN_REINIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 104
decodeLatency - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
Average time in milliseconds for the client to decode a frame.
decoderCompatibility - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
`true` to set the decoder to compatibility mode. This should be tried if having playback issues, especially on NVIDIA devices.
decoderFallback - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
`true` if the client had to fallback to software decoding after being unable to internally initialize a hardware accelerated decoder.
decoderH265 - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
`true` to allow H.265 codec. This must be enabled on both the client and host.
decoderSoftware - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
`true` to force decoding of video frames via a software implementation.
desc - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
UTF-8 null-terminated description string. ::HOST_GAME only.
C type : char[512]
dispose() - Method in class
DTLS_ERR_BIO_READ - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 227
DTLS_ERR_BIO_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 226
DTLS_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 229
DTLS_ERR_CERT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 231
DTLS_ERR_NO_DATA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 230
DTLS_ERR_SSL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 228


ENCODE_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 185
ENCODE_ERR_CAPS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 196
ENCODE_ERR_ENCODE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 184
ENCODE_ERR_HANDLE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 195
ENCODE_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 183
ENCODE_ERR_LIBRARY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 187
ENCODE_ERR_OUTPUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 193
ENCODE_ERR_OUTPUT_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 191
ENCODE_ERR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 186
ENCODE_ERR_SESSION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 188
ENCODE_ERR_SESSION1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 189
ENCODE_ERR_SESSION2 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 190
ENCODE_ERR_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 192
ENCODE_ERR_UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 194
encodeLatency - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
Average time in milliseconds for the host to encode a frame.
encoderFPS - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Desired frames per second.
encoderH265 - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Allow H.265 codec.
encoderMaxBitrate - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Maximum output bitrate in Mbps, split between guests.
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
equals(p) - Method in class
ERR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 110
exclusiveInput - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Block remote input when local host input occurs. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.


field1 - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
C type : field1_union
field1 - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
C type : field1_union
field1 - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage
C type : field1_union
field1_union() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
field1_union(cursor) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
field1_union(rumble) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
field1_union(userData) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
field1_union(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
field1_union() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
field1_union(guestStateChange) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
field1_union(userData) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
field1_union(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
field1_union() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(keyboard) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(mouseButton) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(mouseWheel) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(mouseMotion) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(gamepadButton) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(gamepadAxis) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(gamepadUnplug) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(gamepadState) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
field1_union.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
field1_union.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
field1_union.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
field1_union.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
field1_union.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
field1_union.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
format - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
FORMAT_BGRA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
32-bits per pixel, 8-bits per channel BGRA.
native declaration : line 504
FORMAT_I420 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
4:2:0 full width/height Y plane followed by a half width/height U plane followed by a half width/height V plane.
native declaration : line 501
FORMAT_I422 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
4:2:2 full width/height Y plane followed by a half width full height U plane followed by a half width full height V plane.
native declaration : line 503
FORMAT_NV12 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
4:2:0 full width/height Y plane followed by an interleaved half width/height UV plane.
native declaration : line 500
FORMAT_NV16 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
4:2:2 full width/height Y plane followed by an interleaved half width full height UV plane.
native declaration : line 502
FORMAT_RGBA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
32-bits per pixel, 8-bits per channel RGBA.
native declaration : line 505
FORMAT_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
native declaration : line 499
fullHeight - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
Actual height of the frame including padding.
fullWidth - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
Actual width of the frame including padding.


GAME_ID_LEN - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
gameID - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Game unique identifier issued by Parsec. ::HOST_GAME only.
C type : char[72]
gamepad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
The guest can send gamepad input.
GAMEPAD_AXIS_LX - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad left thumbstick x-axis.
native declaration : line 471
GAMEPAD_AXIS_LY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad left thumbstick y-axis.
native declaration : line 472
GAMEPAD_AXIS_MAX - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
native declaration : line 477
GAMEPAD_AXIS_RX - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad right thumbstick x-axis.
native declaration : line 473
GAMEPAD_AXIS_RY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad right thumbstick y-axis.
native declaration : line 474
GAMEPAD_AXIS_TRIGGERL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad left trigger value.
native declaration : line 475
GAMEPAD_AXIS_TRIGGERR - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
Gamepad right trigger value.
native declaration : line 476
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_A - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
A button.
native declaration : line 429
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_B - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
B button.
native declaration : line 430
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_BACK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Back button.
native declaration : line 433
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Analog DPAD down.
native declaration : line 441
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Analog DPAD left.
native declaration : line 442
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Analog DPAD right.
native declaration : line 443
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_DPAD_UP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Analog DPAD up.
native declaration : line 440
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_GUIDE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Guide button.
native declaration : line 434
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LSHOULDER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Left shoulder (bumper) button.
native declaration : line 438
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_LSTICK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Left thumbstick button.
native declaration : line 436
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MAX - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
native declaration : line 444
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RSHOULDER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Right shoulder (bumper) button.
native declaration : line 439
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_RSTICK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Right thumbstick button.
native declaration : line 437
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_START - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Start button.
native declaration : line 435
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_X - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
X button.
native declaration : line 431
GAMEPAD_BUTTON_Y - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
Y button.
native declaration : line 432
GAMEPAD_STATE_A - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
A button.
native declaration : line 461
GAMEPAD_STATE_B - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
B button.
native declaration : line 462
GAMEPAD_STATE_BACK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Back button.
native declaration : line 456
GAMEPAD_STATE_DPAD_DOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Analog DPAD down.
native declaration : line 452
GAMEPAD_STATE_DPAD_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Analog DPAD left.
native declaration : line 453
GAMEPAD_STATE_DPAD_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Analog DPAD right.
native declaration : line 454
GAMEPAD_STATE_DPAD_UP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Analog DPAD up.
native declaration : line 451
GAMEPAD_STATE_LEFT_SHOULDER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Left shoulder (bumper) button.
native declaration : line 459
GAMEPAD_STATE_LEFT_THUMB - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Left thumbstick button.
native declaration : line 457
GAMEPAD_STATE_RIGHT_SHOULDER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Right shoulder (bumper) button.
native declaration : line 460
GAMEPAD_STATE_RIGHT_THUMB - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Right thumbstick button.
native declaration : line 458
GAMEPAD_STATE_START - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Start button.
native declaration : line 455
GAMEPAD_STATE_X - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
X button.
native declaration : line 463
GAMEPAD_STATE_Y - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
Y button.
native declaration : line 464
gamepadAxis - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Gamepad axis message.
C type : ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
GamepadAxisEvent(guestId, id, axis, value) - Constructor for class
gamepadButton - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Gamepad button message.
C type : ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
GamepadButtonEvent(guestId, id, button, pressed) - Constructor for class
gamepadID - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
Unique client-assigned index identifying the gamepad connected to the client.
gamepadState - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Gamepad state message.
C type : ParsecGamepadStateMessage
gamepadSupport - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
`true` if the virtual gamepad driver is working properly, otherwise `false`. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.
gamepadUnplug - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Gamepad unplug message.
C type : ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
GamepadUnpluggedEvent(guestId, id) - Constructor for class
getAxis() - Method in class
getButton() - Method in class
getButton() - Method in class
getCode() - Method in class
getEvents() - Method in class
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
getFieldOrder() - Method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
getGuest() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getGuestId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getLogListener() - Method in class
getMod() - Method in class
getMsg() - Method in class
getParsecConfig() - Method in class
getParsecHostListener() - Method in class
getParsecLogCallback() - Method in class
getParsecPointer() - Method in class
getParsecRef() - Method in class
getPressed() - Method in class
getPressed() - Method in class
getPressed() - Method in class
getRelative() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatusCode() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getX() - Method in class
getX() - Method in class
getY() - Method in class
getY() - Method in class
guest - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
Guest properties. The `state` member can be used to evaluate the guest's state change.
C type : ParsecGuest
guest - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
Guest ::ParsecGuest properties.
C type : ParsecGuest
GUEST_CONNECTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
The guest successfully connected.
native declaration : line 538
GUEST_CONNECTING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
The guest is attempting to make a peer-to-peer connection to the host.
native declaration : line 537
GUEST_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
The guest disconnected.
native declaration : line 539
GUEST_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
The guest failed peer-to-peer negotiation.
native declaration : line 540
GUEST_NAME_LEN - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
GUEST_WAITING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
The guest is currently waiting for the host to allow them via ::ParsecHostAllowGuest. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.
native declaration : line 536
guestConnected(id, name) - Method in interface
guestConnecting(id, name) - Method in interface
guestDisconnected(id, name) - Method in interface
guestFailed(id, name) - Method in interface
guestStateChange - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
Guest connection state change event.
C type : ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
guestWaiting(id, name) - Method in interface


H26X_ERR_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 215
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
height - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
Height of the cursor position in pixels.
height - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
Height in pixels of the visible area of the frame.
Host - Class in com.parsecgaming.examples
Host() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.examples.Host
HOST_DESC_LEN - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
HOST_DESKTOP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostMode
The host intends to share their entire desktop. Permission and approval systems apply. Windows only.
native declaration : line 547
HOST_EVENT_GUEST_STATE_CHANGE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType
A guest has changed connection state, `guestStateChange` is valid in ::ParsecHostEvent.
native declaration : line 555
HOST_EVENT_INVALID_SESSION_ID - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType
The host's Session ID has become invalid.
native declaration : line 557
HOST_EVENT_USER_DATA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType
User-defined message from a guest, `userData` is valid in ::ParsecHostEvent.
native declaration : line 556
HOST_GAME - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostMode
Parsec is integrated into a game. The game uses the `Submit` model to provide output.
native declaration : line 548
HOST_NAME_LEN - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
HOST_SECRET_LEN - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
HOST_WRN_KICKED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 90
HOST_WRN_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 89
hostAllowGuest(guestID, allow) - Method in class
hostPollInput() - Method in class
hostPort - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
First port used to accept host connections. A value of `0` uses a pseudo random default.
hostStart(mode, parsecHostConfig, parsecHostListener, sessionId) - Method in class
hostStartDesktop(parsecHostConfig, parsecHostListener, sessionId) - Method in class
hostStartGame(parsecHostConfig, parsecHostListener, sessionId) - Method in class
hostStop() - Method in class
HostWrapper - Class in com.parsecgaming.examples
HostWrapper() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.examples.HostWrapper
hotX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
Horizontal pixel position of the cursor hotspot within the image.
hotY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
Vertical pixel position of the cursor hotspot within the image.


id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
User-defined message ID set by the host.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
Unique client-provided index identifying the gamepad.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
Unique client-provided index identifying the gamepad.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
Unique client-provided index identifying the gamepad.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
Unique client-provided index identifying the gamepad.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
Guest ID passed to various host functions.
id - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
User-defined message ID set by the client.
imageUpdate - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
`true` if the cursor image should be updated. The `width`, `height`, `hotX`, `hotY`, and `size` members are valid.
InputEvent - Class in
InputEvent.Companion - Class in
InputEvent.GamepadAxisEvent - Class in
InputEvent.GamepadButtonEvent - Class in
InputEvent.GamepadUnpluggedEvent - Class in
InputEvent.KeyboardEvent - Class in
InputEvent.MouseButtonEvent - Class in
InputEvent.MouseMotionEvent - Class in
InputEvent.MouseWheelEvent - Class in
invalidSessionID - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
`true` if the host's Session ID has become invalid. The host must call ::ParsecHostSetConfig with a valid `sessionID` to continue hosting.
invalidSessionId() - Method in interface


JNA_LIBRARY_NAME - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
JNA_NATIVE_LIB - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary


key - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
Buffer lookup key passed to ::ParsecGetBuffer to retrieve the cursor image, if available.
key - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
Buffer lookup key passed to ::ParsecGetBuffer to retrieve the message.
key - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
Buffer lookup key passed to ::ParsecGetBuffer to retrieve the message.
KEY_0 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 309
KEY_1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 300
KEY_2 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 301
KEY_3 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 302
KEY_4 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 303
KEY_5 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 304
KEY_6 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 305
KEY_7 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 306
KEY_8 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 307
KEY_9 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 308
KEY_A - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 274
KEY_APOSTROPHE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 321
KEY_APPLICATION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 369
KEY_AUDIOMUTE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 393
KEY_AUDIONEXT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 389
KEY_AUDIOPLAY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 392
KEY_AUDIOPREV - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 390
KEY_AUDIOSTOP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 391
KEY_B - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 275
KEY_BACKSLASH - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 319
KEY_BACKSPACE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 312
KEY_BACKTICK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 322
KEY_C - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 276
KEY_CAPSLOCK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 326
KEY_COMMA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 323
KEY_D - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 277
KEY_DELETE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 345
KEY_DOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 350
KEY_E - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 278
KEY_END - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 346
KEY_ENTER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 310
KEY_EQUALS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 316
KEY_ESCAPE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 311
KEY_F - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 279
KEY_F1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 327
KEY_F10 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 336
KEY_F11 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 337
KEY_F12 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 338
KEY_F13 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 370
KEY_F14 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 371
KEY_F15 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 372
KEY_F16 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 373
KEY_F17 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 374
KEY_F18 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 375
KEY_F19 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 376
KEY_F2 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 328
KEY_F3 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 329
KEY_F4 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 330
KEY_F5 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 331
KEY_F6 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 332
KEY_F7 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 333
KEY_F8 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 334
KEY_F9 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 335
KEY_G - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 280
KEY_H - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 281
KEY_HOME - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 343
KEY_I - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 282
KEY_INSERT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 342
KEY_J - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 283
KEY_K - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 284
KEY_KP_0 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 367
KEY_KP_1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 358
KEY_KP_2 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 359
KEY_KP_3 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 360
KEY_KP_4 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 361
KEY_KP_5 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 362
KEY_KP_6 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 363
KEY_KP_7 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 364
KEY_KP_8 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 365
KEY_KP_9 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 366
KEY_KP_DIVIDE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 353
KEY_KP_ENTER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 357
KEY_KP_MINUS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 355
KEY_KP_MULTIPLY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 354
KEY_KP_PERIOD - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 368
KEY_KP_PLUS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 356
KEY_L - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 285
KEY_LALT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 383
KEY_LBRACKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 317
KEY_LCTRL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 381
KEY_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 349
KEY_LGUI - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 384
KEY_LSHIFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 382
KEY_M - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 286
KEY_MEDIASELECT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 394
KEY_MENU - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 377
KEY_MINUS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 315
KEY_MUTE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 378
KEY_N - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 287
KEY_NUMLOCK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 352
KEY_O - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 288
KEY_P - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 289
KEY_PAGEDOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 347
KEY_PAGEUP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 344
KEY_PAUSE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 341
KEY_PERIOD - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 324
KEY_PRINTSCREEN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 339
KEY_Q - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 290
KEY_R - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 291
KEY_RALT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 387
KEY_RBRACKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 318
KEY_RCTRL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 385
KEY_RGUI - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 388
KEY_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 348
KEY_RSHIFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 386
KEY_S - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 292
KEY_SCROLLLOCK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 340
KEY_SEMICOLON - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 320
KEY_SLASH - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 325
KEY_SPACE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 314
KEY_T - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 293
KEY_TAB - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 313
KEY_U - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 294
KEY_UP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 351
KEY_V - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 295
KEY_VOLUMEDOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 380
KEY_VOLUMEUP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 379
KEY_W - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 296
KEY_X - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 297
KEY_Y - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 298
KEY_Z - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 299
keyboard - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Keyboard message.
C type : ParsecKeyboardMessage
keyboard - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
The guest can send keyboard input.
KeyboardEvent(guestId, pressed, code, mod) - Constructor for class


leftTrigger - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
Value of the left trigger between 0 and 255.
log(level, msg) - Method in interface
LOG_DEBUG - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogLevel
Messages interesting to developers trying to debug an issue.
native declaration : line 267
LOG_INFO - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogLevel
Messages interesting to support staff trying to figure out the context of an issue.
native declaration : line 266


main(args) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.examples.Host
main(args) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.examples.HostWrapper
maxGuests - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Total number of guests allowed at once. This number should not include the local host.
mediaContainer - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
::ParsecContainer value.
MESSAGE_GAMEPAD_AXIS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`gamepadAxis` ::ParsecGamepadAxisMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 489
MESSAGE_GAMEPAD_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`gamepadButton` ::ParsecGamepadButtonMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 488
MESSAGE_GAMEPAD_STATE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`gamepadState` ::ParsecGamepadStateMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 491
MESSAGE_GAMEPAD_UNPLUG - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`gamepadUnplug` ::ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 490
MESSAGE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`keyboard` ::ParsecKeyboardMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 484
MESSAGE_MOUSE_BUTTON - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`mouseButton` ::ParsecMouseButtonMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 485
MESSAGE_MOUSE_MOTION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`mouseMotion` ::ParsecMouseMotionMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 487
MESSAGE_MOUSE_WHEEL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
`mouseWheel` ::ParsecMouseWheelMessage is valid in ::ParsecMessage.
native declaration : line 486
MESSAGE_RELEASE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
Message instructing the host to release all input that is currently pressed.
native declaration : line 492
METAL_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 248
metrics - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
Latency performance metrics.
C type : ParsecMetrics
metrics - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
Latency performance metrics, only valid in state ::GUEST_CONNECTED.
C type : ParsecMetrics
mod - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
MOD_CAPS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`CAPSLOCK` is currently active.
native declaration : line 411
MOD_LALT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`LEFT ALT` is currently active.
native declaration : line 406
MOD_LCTRL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`LEFT CONTROL` is currently active.
native declaration : line 404
MOD_LGUI - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`LEFT GUI` is currently active. This is the Windows / left Command key.
native declaration : line 408
MOD_LSHIFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`LEFT SHIFT` is currently active.
native declaration : line 402
MOD_NONE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
No modifier key active.
native declaration : line 401
MOD_NUM - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`NUMLOCK` is currently active.
native declaration : line 410
MOD_RALT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`RIGHT ALT` is currently active.
native declaration : line 407
MOD_RCTRL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`RIGHT CONTROL` is currently active.
native declaration : line 405
MOD_RGUI - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`RIGHT GUI` is currently active. This is the right Command key.
native declaration : line 409
MOD_RSHIFT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
`RIGHT SHIFT` is currently active.
native declaration : line 403
modeUpdate - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
`true` if the cursor mode should be updated. The `relative`, `positionX`, and `positionY` members are valid.
motorBig - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
8-bit unsigned value for large motor vibration.
motorSmall - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
8-bit unsigned value for small motor vibration.
mouse - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
The guest can send mouse button.
MOUSE_L - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
Left mouse button.
native declaration : line 418
MOUSE_MIDDLE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
Middle mouse button.
native declaration : line 419
MOUSE_R - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
Right mouse button.
native declaration : line 420
MOUSE_X1 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
Extra mouse button 1.
native declaration : line 421
MOUSE_X2 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
Extra mouse button 2.
native declaration : line 422
mouseButton - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Mouse button message.
C type : ParsecMouseButtonMessage
MouseButtonEvent(guestId, pressed, button) - Constructor for class
mouseMotion - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Mouse motion message.
C type : ParsecMouseMotionMessage
MouseMotionEvent(guestId, relative, x, y) - Constructor for class
mouseWheel - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage.field1_union
Mouse wheel message.
C type : ParsecMouseWheelMessage
MouseWheelEvent(guestId, x, y) - Constructor for class


name - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
UTF-8 null-terminated name guest name string.
C type : char[32]
name - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
UTF-8 null-terminated name string. May be zeroed to use hostname.
C type : char[256]
NAT_ERR_JSON_ACTION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 142
NAT_ERR_NO_CANDIDATES - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 141
NAT_ERR_NO_SOCKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 143
NAT_ERR_PEER_PHASE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 139
NAT_ERR_STUN_PHASE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 140
NAT_ERR_WEBRTC - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 144
NativeSize - Class in com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime
'size_t' C type (32 bits on 32 bits platforms, 64 bits on 64 bits platforms). Can be also used to model the 'long' C type for libraries known to be compiled with GCC or LLVM even on Windows. (NativeLong on Windows is only okay with MSVC++ libraries, as 'long' on Windows 64 bits will be 32 bits with MSVC++ and 64 bits with GCC/mingw)
NativeSize() - Constructor for class com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize
Create a zero-valued Size.
NativeSize(value) - Constructor for class com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize
Create a Size with the given value.
NETWORK_ERR_BAD_PACKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 166
NETWORK_ERR_BG_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 165
NETWORK_ERR_BUFFER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 167
NETWORK_ERR_INTERRUPTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 170
NETWORK_ERR_SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 168
NETWORK_ERR_UNSUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 169
NETWORK_WRN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 106
networkFailure - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
Client is currently experiencing network failure.
networkLatency - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
Average round trip time between the client and host.
numGuests - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
The number of guests currently in state ::GUEST_CONNECTED.


OPENGL_ERR_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 146
OPENGL_ERR_CURRENT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 149
OPENGL_ERR_DC - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 150
OPENGL_ERR_PIXFORMAT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 148
OPENGL_ERR_PROGRAM - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 152
OPENGL_ERR_SHADER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 151
OPENGL_ERR_SHARE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 147
OPENGL_ERR_TEXTURE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 154
OPENGL_ERR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 153
OPENSSL_ERR - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
`SSL_get_error` value will be subtracted from this value.
native declaration : line 252
owner - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
The guest is also the owner of the host computer. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.


Parsec(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.Parsec
Parsec() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.Parsec
Parsec - Class in
Parsec(logListener, upnp, clientPort, serverPort) - Constructor for class
Parsec(logListener, upnp, clientPort) - Constructor for class
Parsec(logListener, upnp) - Constructor for class
Parsec(logListener) - Constructor for class
PARSEC_ALREADY_RUNNING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 113
PARSEC_CONNECTING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 100
PARSEC_ERR_PRE_RENDER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 115
PARSEC_ERR_VER_DATA - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 241
PARSEC_ERR_VERSION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 240
PARSEC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 114
PARSEC_NOT_RUNNING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 112
PARSEC_OK - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 87
PARSEC_VER - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
PARSEC_VER_MAJOR - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
PARSEC_VER_MINOR - Static variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecAudioCallback() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecAudioCallback
ParsecClientConfig - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientConfig() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
ParsecClientConfig(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
ParsecClientConfig.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientConfig.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientConnect(ps, cfg, sessionID, peerID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientConnect(ps, cfg, sessionID, peerID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientConnect(ps, cfg, sessionID, peerID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientCursorEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientCursorEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
ParsecClientCursorEvent(cursor, key) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
ParsecClientCursorEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientCursorEvent
ParsecClientCursorEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientCursorEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientD3D11RenderFrame(ps, device, context, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientD3D11RenderFrame(ps, device, context, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientD3D9RenderFrame(ps, device, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientD3D9RenderFrame(ps, device, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientDisconnect(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientDisconnect(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
ParsecClientEvent(type, field1) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
ParsecClientEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
ParsecClientEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientEvent.field1_union - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
native declaration : line 794
ParsecClientEventType() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
ParsecClientGetStatus(ps, status) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
in an error state.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientGetStatus(Parsec*, ParsecClientStatus*)
native declaration : line 1056
ParsecClientGetStatus(ps, status) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
in an error state.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientGetStatus(Parsec*, ParsecClientStatus*)
native declaration : line 1056
ParsecClientGLDestroy(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientGLDestroy(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientGLRenderFrame(ps, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientGLRenderFrame(ps, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientMetalRenderFrame(ps, cq, target, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientMetalRenderFrame(ps, cq, target, pre, opaque, timeout) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientPause(ps, pauseVideo, pauseAudio) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientPause(ps, pauseVideo, pauseAudio) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientPollAudio(ps, callback, timeout, opaque) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
a ::ParsecStatus warning value on timeout.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientPollAudio(Parsec*, ParsecAudioCallback, uint32_t, void*)
native declaration : line 1087
ParsecClientPollAudio(ps, callback, timeout, opaque) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
a ::ParsecStatus warning value on timeout.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientPollAudio(Parsec*, ParsecAudioCallback, uint32_t, void*)
native declaration : line 1087
ParsecClientPollEvents(ps, timeout, event) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no events were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecClientPollEvents(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecClientEvent*)
native declaration : line 1096
ParsecClientPollEvents(ps, timeout, event) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no events were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecClientPollEvents(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecClientEvent*)
native declaration : line 1096
ParsecClientPollFrame(ps, callback, timeout, opaque) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
a ::ParsecStatus warning value on timeout.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientPollFrame(Parsec*, ParsecFrameCallback, uint32_t, void*)
native declaration : line 1077
ParsecClientPollFrame(ps, callback, timeout, opaque) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
a ::ParsecStatus warning value on timeout.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecClientPollFrame(Parsec*, ParsecFrameCallback, uint32_t, void*)
native declaration : line 1077
ParsecClientRumbleEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientRumbleEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
ParsecClientRumbleEvent(gamepadID, motorBig, motorSmall, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
ParsecClientRumbleEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
ParsecClientRumbleEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientRumbleEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientSendMessage(ps, msg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSendMessage(ps, msg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSendUserData(ps, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSendUserData(ps, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSendUserData(ps, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSetDimensions(ps, width, height, scale) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientSetDimensions(ps, width, height, scale) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecClientStatus - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientStatus() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
ParsecClientStatus(metrics, networkFailure, decoderFallback, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
ParsecClientStatus(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
ParsecClientStatus.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientStatus.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientUserDataEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecClientUserDataEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
ParsecClientUserDataEvent(id, key) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
ParsecClientUserDataEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientUserDataEvent
ParsecClientUserDataEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecClientUserDataEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecColorFormat() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
ParsecConfig - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecConfig() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
ParsecConfig(upnp, clientPort, hostPort) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
ParsecConfig(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
ParsecConfig.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecConfig.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecContainer() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecContainer
ParsecCursor - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecCursor() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
ParsecCursor(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
ParsecCursor.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecCursor.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecD3D11Device(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Device
ParsecD3D11Device() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Device
ParsecD3D11DeviceContext(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11DeviceContext
ParsecD3D11DeviceContext() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11DeviceContext
ParsecD3D11Texture2D(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Texture2D
ParsecD3D11Texture2D() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Texture2D
ParsecD3D9Device(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Device
ParsecD3D9Device() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Device
ParsecD3D9Surface(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Surface
ParsecD3D9Surface() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Surface
ParsecDestroy(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecDestroy(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecFrame - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecFrame() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
ParsecFrame(format, size, width, height, fullWidth, fullHeight) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
ParsecFrame(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
ParsecFrame.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecFrame.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecFrameCallback() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecFrameCallback
ParsecFree(ptr) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecGamepadAxis() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage(axis, id, value, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadAxisMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadButton() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage(button, id, pressed, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadButtonMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadState() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
ParsecGamepadStateMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGamepadStateMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
ParsecGamepadStateMessage(id, buttons, thumbLX, thumbLY, thumbRX, thumbRY, leftTrigger, rightTrigger) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
ParsecGamepadStateMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
ParsecGamepadStateMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadStateMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage(id) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGamepadUnplugMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGetBuffer(ps, key) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
dynamically allocated buffer. Call ::ParsecFree after use.
Original signature : void* ParsecGetBuffer(Parsec*, uint32_t)
native declaration : line 1005
ParsecGetBuffer(ps, key) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
dynamically allocated buffer. Call ::ParsecFree after use.
Original signature : void* ParsecGetBuffer(Parsec*, uint32_t)
native declaration : line 1005
ParsecGetConfig(ps, cfg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
during ::ParsecInit.
Original signature : void ParsecGetConfig(Parsec*, ParsecConfig*)
native declaration : line 995
ParsecGetConfig(ps, cfg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
during ::ParsecInit.
Original signature : void ParsecGetConfig(Parsec*, ParsecConfig*)
native declaration : line 995
ParsecGuest - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGuest() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
ParsecGuest(perms, metrics, state, id, userID, name, owner, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
ParsecGuest(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
ParsecGuest.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGuest.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGuestState() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent(guest) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecGuestStateChangeEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostAllowGuest(ps, guestID, allow) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostAllowGuest(ps, guestID, allow) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostConfig - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecHostConfig() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
ParsecHostConfig(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
ParsecHostConfig.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostConfig.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostD3D11SubmitFrame(ps, device, context, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostD3D11SubmitFrame(ps, device, context, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostD3D9SubmitFrame(ps, device, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostD3D9SubmitFrame(ps, device, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecHostEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
ParsecHostEvent(type, field1) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
ParsecHostEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
ParsecHostEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostEvent.field1_union - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
native declaration : line 851
ParsecHostEventType() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType
ParsecHostGetGuests(ps, state, guests) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostGetStatus(ps, status) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostGetStatus(ps, status) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostGLSubmitFrame(ps, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostGLSubmitFrame(ps, frame) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostKickGuest(ps, guestID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostKickGuest(ps, guestID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
parsecHostListener - Variable in class
ParsecHostListener - Interface in
ParsecHostListener() - Constructor for interface
ParsecHostMode() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostMode
ParsecHostPollEvents(ps, timeout, event) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no events were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecHostPollEvents(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecHostEvent*)
native declaration : line 1257
ParsecHostPollEvents(ps, timeout, event) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no events were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecHostPollEvents(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecHostEvent*)
native declaration : line 1257
ParsecHostPollInput(ps, timeout, guest, msg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no messages were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecHostPollInput(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecGuest*, ParsecMessage*)
native declaration : line 1284
ParsecHostPollInput(ps, timeout, guest, msg) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
no messages were available.
Original signature : bool ParsecHostPollInput(Parsec*, uint32_t, ParsecGuest*, ParsecMessage*)
native declaration : line 1284
ParsecHostSendUserData(ps, guestID, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSendUserData(ps, guestID, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSendUserData(ps, guestID, id, text) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSetConfig(ps, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSetConfig(ps, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSetConfig(ps, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSetPermissions(ps, guestID, perms) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSetPermissions(ps, guestID, perms) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostStart(ps, mode, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostStart(ps, mode, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostStart(ps, mode, cfg, sessionID) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostStatus - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecHostStatus() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
ParsecHostStatus(cfg, numGuests, running, invalidSessionID, gamepadSupport, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
ParsecHostStatus(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
ParsecHostStatus.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostStatus.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecHostStop(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostStop(ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitAudio(ps, format, sampleRate, pcm, frames) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitAudio(ps, format, sampleRate, pcm, frames) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitAudio(ps, format, sampleRate, pcm, frames) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitCursor(ps, cursor, image) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitCursor(ps, cursor, image) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitCursor(ps, cursor, image) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitRumble(ps, guestID, gamepadID, motorBig, motorSmall) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecHostSubmitRumble(ps, guestID, gamepadID, motorBig, motorSmall) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecInit(ver, cfg, reserved, ps) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
otherwise ::PARSEC_OK.
Original signature : ParsecStatus ParsecInit(uint32_t, ParsecConfig*, void*, Parsec**)
native declaration : line 982
ParsecKeyboardMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecKeyboardMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
ParsecKeyboardMessage(code, mod, pressed, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
ParsecKeyboardMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
ParsecKeyboardMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecKeyboardMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecKeycode() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
ParsecKeymod() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
ParsecLibrary - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
JNA Wrapper for library parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecLibrary() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecLibrary.Parsec - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecAudioCallback - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecContainer - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Device - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11DeviceContext - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D11Texture2D - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Device - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecD3D9Surface - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecFrameCallback - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostMode - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogCallback - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
Conversion Error : { 1, 0, 0 }
native declaration : line 0
{ 1, 0, 0 }
ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogLevel - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecMetalCommandQueue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecPCMFormat - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecPreRenderCallback - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecLibrary.ParsecProtocol - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus - Interface in com.parsecgaming.parsec
enum values
ParsecLogCallback() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogCallback
ParsecLogLevel() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogLevel
ParsecLogListener - Interface in
ParsecLogListener() - Constructor for interface
ParsecMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage
ParsecMessage(type, field1) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage
ParsecMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage
ParsecMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMessage.field1_union - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
native declaration : line 726
ParsecMessageType() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
ParsecMetalCommandQueue(address) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMetalCommandQueue
ParsecMetalCommandQueue() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMetalCommandQueue
ParsecMetrics - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecMetrics() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
ParsecMetrics(encodeLatency, decodeLatency, networkLatency) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
ParsecMetrics(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMetrics
ParsecMetrics.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMetrics.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseButton() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
ParsecMouseButtonMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecMouseButtonMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
ParsecMouseButtonMessage(button, pressed, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
ParsecMouseButtonMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
ParsecMouseButtonMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseButtonMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseMotionMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecMouseMotionMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
ParsecMouseMotionMessage(x, y, relative, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
ParsecMouseMotionMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
ParsecMouseMotionMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseMotionMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseWheelMessage - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecMouseWheelMessage() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
ParsecMouseWheelMessage(x, y) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
ParsecMouseWheelMessage(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
ParsecMouseWheelMessage.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecMouseWheelMessage.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecPCMFormat() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPCMFormat
ParsecPermissions - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecPermissions() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
ParsecPermissions(gamepad, keyboard, mouse, __pad) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
ParsecPermissions(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
ParsecPermissions.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecPermissions.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecPreRenderCallback() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPreRenderCallback
ParsecProtocol() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecProtocol
ParsecSetLogCallback(callback, opaque) - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
ParsecStatus() - Constructor for interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
ParsecUserDataEvent - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
ParsecUserDataEvent() - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
ParsecUserDataEvent(guest, id, key) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
ParsecUserDataEvent(peer) - Constructor for class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecUserDataEvent
ParsecUserDataEvent.ByReference - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecUserDataEvent.ByValue - Class in com.parsecgaming.parsec
ParsecVersion() - Static method in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary
incompatibility. ::PARSEC_VER_MAJOR is the upper 16 bits, ::PARSEC_VER_MINOR is the lower 16 bits.
Original signature : uint32_t ParsecVersion()
native declaration : line 1025
PCM_FORMAT_FLOAT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPCMFormat
32-bit floating point samples.
native declaration : line 528
PCM_FORMAT_INT16 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPCMFormat
16-bit signed integer samples.
native declaration : line 529
perms - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
Guest input permissions. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.
C type : ParsecPermissions
pngCursor - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
`true` to return compressed PNG cursor images during ::ParsecClientPollEvents, `false` to return a 32-bit RGBA image.
positionX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
When leaving relative mode, the horizontal position in screen coordinates where the cursor reappears.
positionY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
When leaving relative mode, the vertical position in screen coordinates where the cursor reappears.
pressed - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
`true` if the button was pressed, `false` if released.
pressed - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
`true` if pressed, `false` if released.
pressed - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
`true` if clicked, `false` if released.
PROTO_MODE_BUD - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecProtocol
Parsec's low-latency optimized BUD protocol.
native declaration : line 512
PROTO_MODE_SCTP - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecProtocol
SCTP protocol compatible with WebRTC data channels.
native declaration : line 513
protocol - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
::ParsecProtocol value.
publicGame - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Set to `true` to allow the hosting session to be visible publicly in the Parsec Arcade. ::HOST_GAME only.


refreshRate - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
See details.
refreshRate - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Refresh rate in Hz. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
relative - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
`true` if in relative mode, meaning the client should submit mouse motion in relative distances rather than absolute screen coordinates.
relative - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
`true` for relative mode, `false` for absolute mode. See details.
RESAMPLE_ERR_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 243
RESAMPLE_ERR_RESAMPLE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 244
resolutionX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
See details.
resolutionX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Resolution width. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
resolutionY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
See details.
resolutionY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
Resolution height. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
rightTrigger - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
Value of the right trigger between 0 and 255.
RPI_ERR_MEM_SPLIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 250
rumble - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
Gamepad rumble data event.
C type : ParsecClientRumbleEvent
runHostCallbacks() - Method in class
running - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
The host is currently accepting guests after calling ::ParsecHostStart.


SCTP_ERR_BIND - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 223
SCTP_ERR_CONNECT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 224
SCTP_ERR_GLOBAL_INIT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 220
SCTP_ERR_SOCKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 222
SCTP_ERR_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 221
secret - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
SCII null-terminated secret code that may be used to gain temporary access to a host.
C type : char[32]
secret - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
ASCII null-terminated secret code that can be distributed to guests to allow temporary access. Minimum 8 characters.
C type : char[32]
sendMessage(guestId, text) - Method in class
SERVER_ERR_CLIENT_ABORT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 177
SERVER_ERR_CLIENT_GONE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 178
SERVER_ERR_DISPLAY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 172
SERVER_ERR_MAX_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 174
SERVER_ERR_NO_USER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 175
SERVER_ERR_RESOLUTION - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 173
SERVER_ERR_VIDEO_DONE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 176
setParsecHostListener(p) - Method in class
setStatusCode(p) - Method in class
SIZE - Static variable in class com.ochafik.lang.jnaerator.runtime.NativeSize
Size of a size_t integer, in bytes.
size - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
Size in bytes of the cursor image buffer.
size - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
Size in bytes of the `image` buffer parameter of ::ParsecFrameCallback.
SO_ERR_OPEN - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 237
SO_ERR_SYMBOL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 238
SOCKET_ERR - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
`WSAGetLastError` value will be subtracted from this value.
native declaration : line 255
state - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
STUN_ERR_PACKET - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 233
STUN_ERR_PARSE_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 235
STUN_ERR_PARSE_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 234
submitAudio(rate, pcm, samples) - Method in class
submitAudioFloat(rate, pcm, samples) - Method in class
submitFrame(textureObjectHandle) - Method in class


thumbLX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
The left thumbstick X axis value between -32768 and 32767.
thumbLY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
The left thumbstick Y axis value between -32768 and 32767.
thumbRX - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
The right thumbstick X axis value between -32768 and 32767.
thumbRY - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadStateMessage
The right thumbstick Y axis value between -32768 and 32767.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
type - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent
type - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent
type - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMessage

U - package
UNITY_UNSUPPORTED_ENGINE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
Caused when the graphics render engine isn't supported in Unity.
native declaration : line 246
upnp - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecConfig
`1` enables and maintains UPnP to assist NAT traversal, `0` disables it.
UPNP_ERR - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 198
userData - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientEvent.field1_union
User-defined host message event.
C type : ParsecClientUserDataEvent
userData - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostEvent.field1_union
User-defined guest message event.
C type : ParsecUserDataEvent
userData(guest, id, text) - Method in interface
userID - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
Parsec unique user ID.


value - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
The new value of the axis between -32,768 (left/down) and 32,767 (right/up).


width - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
Width of the cursor image in pixels.
width - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecFrame
Width in pixels of the visible area of the frame.
WRN_CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 99
WS_ERR_AUTH - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 136
WS_ERR_CLOSE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 132
WS_ERR_CONNECT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 128
WS_ERR_GOING_AWAY - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 137
WS_ERR_PING - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 133
WS_ERR_POLL - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 129
WS_ERR_PONG - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 135
WS_ERR_PONG_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 134
WS_ERR_READ - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 130
WS_ERR_WRITE - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 131


x - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
The absolute horizontal screen coordinate of the cursor if `relative` is `false`, or the delta (can be negative) if `relative` is `true`.
x - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
Horizontal delta of mouse wheel rotation. Negative values scroll left.


y - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
The absolute vertical screen coordinate of the cursor if `relative` is `false`, or the delta (can be negative) if `relative` is `true`.
y - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseWheelMessage
Vertical delta of mouse wheel rotation. Negative values scroll up.


__CLIENT_EVENT_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecClientEventType
native declaration : line 569
__CONTAINER_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecContainer
native declaration : line 522
__ERR_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecStatus
native declaration : line 260
__FORMAT_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecColorFormat
native declaration : line 506
__GAMEPAD_AXIS_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadAxis
native declaration : line 478
__GAMEPAD_BUTTON_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadButton
native declaration : line 445
__GAMEPAD_STATE_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGamepadState
native declaration : line 465
__GUEST_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecGuestState
native declaration : line 541
__HOST_EVENT_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostEventType
native declaration : line 558
__HOST_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecHostMode
native declaration : line 549
__KEY_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeycode
native declaration : line 395
__LOG_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecLogLevel
native declaration : line 268
__MESSAGE_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMessageType
native declaration : line 493
__MOD_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecKeymod
native declaration : line 412
__MOUSE_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecMouseButton
native declaration : line 423
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientConfig
C type : uint8_t[1]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientRumbleEvent
C type : uint8_t[2]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecClientStatus
C type : uint8_t[1]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecCursor
C type : uint8_t[1]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadAxisMessage
C type : uint8_t[2]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGamepadButtonMessage
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecGuest
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostConfig
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecHostStatus
C type : uint8_t[1]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecKeyboardMessage
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseButtonMessage
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecMouseMotionMessage
C type : uint8_t[3]
__pad - Variable in class com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecPermissions
C type : uint8_t[1]
__PCM_FORMAT_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecPCMFormat
native declaration : line 530
__PROTO_MODE_MAKE_32 - Static variable in interface com.parsecgaming.parsec.ParsecLibrary.ParsecProtocol
native declaration : line 514
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