public class ParsecHostConfig
This file was autogenerated by JNAerator,
a tool written by Olivier Chafik that uses a few opensource projects..
For help, please visit NativeLibs4Java , Rococoa, or JNA.
public int resolutionX
Resolution width. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
public int resolutionY
Resolution height. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
public int refreshRate
Refresh rate in Hz. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
public int adminMute
Mute local audio on owner connection. ::HOST_DESKTOP owner only.
public int exclusiveInput
Block remote input when local host input occurs. ::HOST_DESKTOP only.
public int encoderFPS
Desired frames per second.
public int encoderMaxBitrate
Maximum output bitrate in Mbps, split between guests.
public int encoderH265
Allow H.265 codec.
public int maxGuests
Total number of guests allowed at once. This number should not include the local host.
public kotlin.Array[] name
UTF-8 null-terminated name string. May be zeroed to use hostname.
C type : char[256]
public kotlin.Array[] desc
UTF-8 null-terminated description string. ::HOST_GAME only.
C type : char[512]
public kotlin.Array[] gameID
Game unique identifier issued by Parsec. ::HOST_GAME only.
C type : char[72]
public kotlin.Array[] secret
ASCII null-terminated secret code that can be distributed to guests to allow temporary access. Minimum 8 characters.
C type : char[32]
public byte publicGame
Set to `true` to allow the hosting session to be visible publicly in the Parsec Arcade. ::HOST_GAME only.
public kotlin.Array[] __pad
C type : uint8_t[3]