Python API ============== This is a wrapper around the C API with some syntactic sugar. The API is *still the same as Raylib*, so you should still reply on: * `the C Raylib docs `_ * `the C Raylib examples `_ * `the C Raylib header file `_ The *differences* are: * the function names are in **snake_case**. * Some string and pointer conversions are handled automatically. * There are some helper functions to create structures. Examples -------- Example program: .. code-block:: import pyray as pr pr.init_window(800, 450, "Hello Pyray") pr.set_target_fps(60) camera = pr.Camera3D([18.0, 16.0, 18.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], 45.0, 0) while not pr.window_should_close(): pr.update_camera(camera, pr.CAMERA_ORBITAL) pr.begin_drawing() pr.clear_background(pr.RAYWHITE) pr.begin_mode_3d(camera) pr.draw_grid(20, 1.0) pr.end_mode_3d() pr.draw_text("Hello world", 190, 200, 20, pr.VIOLET) pr.end_drawing() pr.close_window() .. tip:: New in 3.7.0.post9: You can also now import the functions with no prefix: .. code-block:: from pyray import * init_window(800, 450, "Raylib texture test") ... (You don't need to use the PyRay() class anymore.) `See all examples here `_ API reference ------------- .. autoapimodule:: pyray :members: :undoc-members: