# Python Bindings for Raylib 5.5 ## Libraries: raymath, raygui, rlgl, physac and GLFW ## Backends: Desktop, SDL, DRM, Web ## Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, Web ![PyPI - Downloads](https://img.shields.io/pypi/dm/raylib) Chatroom: [Discord](https://discord.gg/fKDwt85aX6) HELP WANTED: [writing examples](https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi/issues/155) Features: * CFFI API static bindings. * Automatically generated to be as close as possible to original Raylib. * Faster, fewer bugs and easier to maintain than ctypes. * Commercial-friendly license. * Docstrings and auto-completion. * Type checking with Mypy [Full documentation](http://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi) # Quickstart `pip3 install raylib== --break-system-packages` ```python from pyray import * init_window(800, 450, "Hello") while not window_should_close(): begin_drawing() clear_background(WHITE) draw_text("Hello world", 190, 200, 20, VIOLET) end_drawing() close_window() ``` # Installation If you are on a modern Linux you will probably want to create a venv: python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate Then make sure you have the latest pip installed: python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip Then install python3 -m pip install setuptools python3 -m pip install raylib== On most platforms it should install a binary wheel. If yours isn't available then pip will attempt to build from source, in which case you will need to have Raylib development libs installed, e.g. using homebrew, apt, etc. ## Windows Binaries require x64 Windows 10 or newer. (For x86 or older Windows you will have to build from source.) Use an [official Windows Python release](https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/) rather than WSL, MSYS, etc. ## MacOS Binaries require: * arm64 MacOS 14 * x64 MacOS 10.13, or newer. Older MacOS requires building from source but this is usually simple: brew install pkg-config brew install raylib python3 -m pip install raylib== (I do have binaries for arm64 MacOS 11, 12 and 13 but I have no way of testing they work, so post an issue if you want to test them.) ## Linux Binaries require OS newer than Ubuntu 2020, x64 or arm64. Otherwise build from source. (Pip should attempt automatically but will need Raylib itself installed and also pkg-config.) The arm64 binaries are built on Raspberry Pi arm64 Bullseye with OpenGL 2.0 so may not work on other boards. ## Raspberry Pi [Using on Rasperry Pi](RPI.rst) # Backends ## Dynamic binding version There is now a separate dynamic version of this binding: python3 -m pip uninstall raylib python3 -m pip install raylib_dynamic It works on some systems where the static version doesn't, [but be sure to read these caveats before using it](https://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi/dynamic.html) You can't have multiple raylib packages installed at once. ## SDL backend This is not well tested but has better support for controllers: python3 -m pip uninstall raylib python3 -m pip install raylib_sdl You can't have multiple raylib packages installed at once. ## DRM backend This uses the Linux framebuffer for devices that don't run X11/Wayland: python3 -m pip uninstall raylib python3 -m pip install raylib_drm You can't have multiple raylib packages installed at once. ## Problems? If it doesn't work, [try to build manually.](BUILDING.rst). If that works then [submit an issue](https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi/issues) to let us know what you did. If you need help you can try asking on [our discord](https://discord.gg/fKDwt85aX6). There is also a large [Raylib discord](https://discord.gg/raylib) for issues that are not Python-specific. If it still doesn't work, [submit an issue](https://github.com/electronstudio/raylib-python-cffi/issues). # How to use There are *two* modules in the raylib package, `raylib` and `pyray`. (There is no separate package for pyray. Do *not* `pip install pyray`). You can use either or both: ### If you are familiar with C coding and the Raylib C library and you want to use an exact copy of the C API Use [the raylib module](https://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi/raylib.html). ### If you prefer a more Pythonistic API Use [the pyray module](https://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi/pyray.html). # Running in a web browser [Pygbag](https://pypi.org/project/pygbag/) >=0.8.7 supports running in a web browser. Usually the latest git version is recommended. Make a folder `my_project` with a file `main.py`: ```python # /// script # dependencies = [ # "cffi", # "raylib" # ] # /// import asyncio import platform from pyray import * async def main(): # You MUST have an async main function init_window(500, 500, "Hello") platform.window.window_resize() # You MAY want to add this line while not window_should_close(): begin_drawing() clear_background(WHITE) draw_text("Hello world", 190, 200, 20, VIOLET) end_drawing() await asyncio.sleep(0) # You MUST call this in your main loop close_window() asyncio.run(main()) ``` Then to create the web files and launch a web server: python3.12 -m pip install --user --upgrade pygbag python3.12 -m pygbag --PYBUILD 3.12 --ume_block 0 --template noctx.tmpl --git my_project Point your browser to http://localhost:8000 Some features may not work, so you can disable them like this: ```python if platform.system() != "Emscripten": # audio may not work on current version of emscripten init_audio_device() ``` This is all done by Pygbag rather than by me, so you should probably contact them with any issues. Carefully read all their [documentation](https://pygame-web.github.io/). It does work for most of [these examples](https://electronstudio.github.io/raylib-python-cffi-pygbag-examples/) # App showcase [Tempest-raylib](https://github.com/Emtyloc/tempest-raylib) [KarabinerKeyboard](https://github.com/bilbofroggins/KarabinerKeyboard) [PyTaiko](https://github.com/Yonokid/PyTaiko) [DOOM-Clone](https://github.com/StanislavPetrovV/DOOM-Clone) [Tanki](https://github.com/pkulev/tanki) [Alloy Bloxel Editor](https://pebaz.itch.io/alloy-bloxel-editor) [Eidolon](https://github.com/Miou-zora/Eidolon) Add your app here! # RLZero A related library (that is a work in progress!): [A simplified API for Raylib for use in education and to enable beginners to create 3d games](https://github.com/electronstudio/rlzero) # Help wanted * Converting more examples from C to Python * Testing on more platforms # License Eclipse Public License, so you are free to statically link and use in non-free / proprietary / commercial projects! # Performance If you need more performance, do in this order: 1. Use Pypy rather than standard CPython. It is much, much faster and will make more difference than any other optimisations you might do. 2. Every call to C is costly, so it's slightly faster if you use Python data structures and functions when calculating in your update loop and then only convert them to C data structures when you have to call the C functions for drawing. 3. The raylib.* functions are potentially *slightly* faster than the pyray.* equivalents, so if you need a tiny bit more performance you can switch your inner loop functions to these. 4. There is a version of Python that is faster than Pypy: GraalPy. However it's not fully compatible with all Python packages. It doesn't work with CFFI and so doesn't work with this binding. But it *is* compatible with the *Java* binding, Jaylib! There is an example of this here: https://github.com/electronstudio/megabunny/tree/master/raylib-python-jaylib ## Bunnymark | Library | Implementation | Bunnies (60 FPS) | Percentage | |--------------------------------|-------------------|------------------|------------| | Raylib 5.0 | C | 180000 | 100% | | Raylib Python CFFI | Python 3.12 | 10500 | 5.8% | | Raylib Python CFFI | Pypy 3.10 | 95000 | 53% | | Raylib 3.7 | C | 168100 | 100% | | Raylib Python CFFI 3.7 | Pypy 3.7 | 33800 | 20% | | Raylib Python CFFI 3.7 | Python 3.9 | 7700 | 4.5% | | Raylib Python CFFI 3.7 | Python 3.9 Nuitka | 8600 | 5.1% | | Raylib Python CFFI 3.7 Dynamic | Python 3.9 | 6300 | 3.7% | See also https://github.com/electronstudio/megabunny/ # Packaging your app You can create a standalone binary using the Nuitka compiler. For example, here is how to package Bunnymark: pip3 install nuitka cd examples/textures python3 -m nuitka --onefile --linux-onefile-icon resources/wabbit_alpha.png textures_bunnymark.py # Advert [RetroWar: 8-bit Party Battle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/664240/RetroWar_8bit_Party_Battle/?git) is out now. Defeat up to 15 of your friends in a tournament of 80s-inspired retro mini games. [Coding Games With Pygame Zero & Python](https://github.com/electronstudio/pygame-zero-book) is a book for Python beginners.